Shin splints decribes a variety of shin pain that occurs in the front of the lower leg along the tibia, which is the shin bone. The pain is usually located on the outer front portion of the lower leg or the back inside of the lower leg. They generally occur after stress causes microtrauma to the soleus muscle at the point of attachment to the tibia. They are almost always the result of overloading the soft tissues of the lower leg through repeated impact, without proper conditioning, or allowing enough recovery time between workouts. Other common causes include improper stretching, training too hard, running or jumping on hard surfaces, worn-out or improper footwear, or running on a tilted surface.
Symptoms often include pain located on the medial side of the lower leg, pain worsening after running, an aching pain after stopping activity, pain increasing with activity, and tight/inflexible calf muscles.
Rest is the best treatment for shin splints. The patient should resort to the P.R.I.C.E. treatment method for immediate relief and for controlling pain and inflammation. The athlete can also tape their shins to reduce stress, wear better sneakers, and perform stretching and strengthening exercises for the area. If the pain continues for three or more weeks, then the patient should seek medical attention from a physician for proper diagnosis.
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